Rationalization, of course, is a way of hiding from the truth
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner, 
Eating his Christmas Pie.
He stuck in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum.
And, said,"What a great boy am I"!
     In English history, nursery rhymes such as this were used to attack 
the prevailing autocratic powers.  They provided a camouflage for the 
aggrieved dissenters.  Such "ditties", however, may just as well be applied 
to situations in today's societies.  With respect to "Little Jack Horner", 
the same pride and arrogance seems to envelope those whose good fortune, 
or self-serving actions has resulted in wealth and power,  much as the 
English kings and nobility possessed the sense of "divine right".  This is 
all too apparent at the moment as the prevailing Republican philosophy 
tends to view the poor, and the dispossessed as simply the deserving 
victims of their own choice.

     The rationalizations put forth to justify unjust actions often taken 
to gain or maintain advantages sit at the core of the struggle for human 
survival.  Rationalization, of course, is a way of hiding from the truth.  
It is an effort to believe what we prefer to believe rather than actuality. 
whether it be "Born-againers" finding Jesus, Republicans feeling wealth is 
destiny, Astrologists seeking truth and power in the stars, we sabotage 
the possibility to understand one another.       

     It should be obvious that if we are to have a populace capable of 
coping with the task of human survival in the nuclear age, quality 
education, care, and nurturing of our youths has to be our first priority.  
Lack of proper funding has largely reduced our schools to mere containment 
centers, while most adults remain immersed in escapist activities costing 
many times the price of adequate schools.

     The ever-burgeoning crime problem, as with the assembly line analogy 
in education, might be compared to a dam springing leaks while the people 
search for more buckets to catch the water, rather than going for more 
cement to seal the leaks.  In other words, instead of dealing with the 
source, and providing more resources and aid to schools, and families, we 
rush to expand our police forces and prisons.

     The crime problem, which seems to occupy brunt of our social concerns,
and assuredly forms the cornerstone of most political campaigns in 
America today, could be but a minor concern if our priority was to provide 
quality education, health care, housing, food, and transportation to all 
our citizens.  This provision could be accomplished with the allocation of 
less than 10% of our total resources, energies, dollars or whichever way 
you would like to count it.  It shouldn't take a ten-year government survey 
to establish this.  Just go to any city or town, and count the buildings 
space and employees given to banks, insurance companies, real estate 
offices, law firms etc.  Then check the bars, the sports stadiums and 
fields, entertainment centers, and fashion shops.  Compare the 
preponderance of private vehicles spewing fumes over the availability of 
public transportation.  Note the number of fast-food establishments and 
gourmet restaurants catering to our temptations as contrasted to 
restaurants featuring healthy meals.  Excessive paper-shuffling, and 
rampant escapism!  Is it truly in our best  interest to devote such an 
inordinate share of our energies and resources to this?  

     Much has been said about the war on drugs.  Yet when shall we realize 
that simple addiction is the real problem?  Drugs are only the tip of the 
iceberg when it comes to addictions in our society!  It's truly the many 
addictions which consume the brunt of our time and energy, leaving precious 
little of that time for the study of human values, essential needs and 
understanding.  There's no end  to the overindulging in anything Madison 
Ave. (The Advertising Industry) wants to sell.  Materialism takes a 
thousand forms.  Rampaging market competition compels us to over-satisfy 
each and every manufactured taste from cigarettes to cars to sports events 
to rock music, fashions of all sorts etc.  The cigarette industry goes so 
far as to argue before Congress that any effort to diminish its prominence 
is almost anti-American because it could result in loss of jobs and harm 
the economy. Little emphasis is  left or found for developing and nurturing 
the type of pleasures or satisfactions which derive from activities 
particularly beneficial to one's fellow human beings.

     In California in the June Primary Election of 1994, with one-third of 
the eligible voters participating, two-thirds of those voting turned down 
crucially needed school bonds on the ballot.  What this means is that 
only one of nine citizens actually cared what happens to our children and 
our schools.  Eight out of nine didn't care!  These are the same people 
that the polls indicate consider the crime problem to be our major concern.  
And the politicians are stumbling over each other attempting to come up 
with proposals for more police, prisons, death penalties, and longer jail 

     When are we honestly going to ask ourselves: How did we get this way?  
We are not, as any typical candidate for public office will assure us, a 
great nation, a great people!  We are, in essence ,a  narrow-minded 
populace sorely in need of new values, and knowledge necessary for survival 
in the 21st Century.

     Another area in the field of sociology must inevitably be addressed.  
That is the growing specter of overpopulation.  It poses a menacing threat 
to our collective future on this earth.  Apparently overpopulation is not 
quite the problem in wealthier countries as it is in the impoverished.  
That alone should give us a clue as to why it's important to establish some 
measure of economic parity world-wide before it's too late!

     In the mid-ninties the O.J.Simpson affair rocked America.  An  
examination of that episode affords us an insight into sociological forces 
at large in our society.  A synopsis of the affair follows at this point.      

     Following O.J. we'll move into the area of religion, which isa key 
factor in the effort to alter any system of values in a society.  We'll  
examine the effects of religious institutions on our lives.

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