Adnan Coker Artist Page

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1927 Istanbulda dogdu
1944- 51 Guzel Sanatlar Akademisi Zeki Kocamemi Atolyesi'nde calisti. Ayrica Halil Dikmen'den kompozisyon bilgileri edindi. Akademi'nin Yuksek Resim Bolumunu bitirdi.
1951-55 Heykeltras Hadi Bora ile "espas" konusunda calismalar yapti.
1955 Avrupa konkurunu kazanarak devlet bursuyla Paris'e gitti.
1956-57 André Lhote Atolyesi'nde calisti.
1957-60 Henri Goetz Atolyesi'nde calisti.
1959 subat, yapitlari Paris'te uc yil etut etmis olan yabanci ressamlar konkuruna secildi.
1960 Guzel Sanatlar Akademisi Yuksek Resim Bolumu'ne asistan olarak girdi.
1961 Guzel Sanatlar Akademisi'nde izleyiciler onunde "Muzik Esliginde Resim Gosterileri" duzenledi.
1963 Dort ressam arkadasiyla "Mavi Grup"u kurdu.
1964-65 Fransiz bursu ile Paris'e tekrar gidip Hayter Atolyesi'nde gravur, Goetz Atolyesi'nde resim calisti.
1965 Agustos, Salzburg Yaz Akademisi Emilio Vedova Atolyesi'nde resim calisti.
1966 Istanbul Devlet Guzel Sanatlar Akademisi Yuksek Resim Bolumu hocaligina atandi.
1966 iDGSA'da izleyiciler onunde son olarak "Muzik Esliginde Resim Gosterileri" duzenledi.
1968 16 subat, tek seciciligini ve komiserligini yaptigi "Turk Grafik Sanati Sergisi"nin Budapeste'de acilmasina hizmet etti.
1974 Paris'te UNESCO'da acilan "cagdas Turk Sanati Sergisi"nde T.Erol ile birlikte sergi komiserligi yapti.
1976 Mimar Sinan Universitesi'nde profesorluk gorevine basladi.
1977 14 Temmuz - 1979 24 Mayis tarihleri arasinda Istanbul Resim ve Heykel Muzesi Mudurlugu gorevinde bulundu.
1978 30 Mart, Akdeniz ulkeleri 12. iskenderiye Sanat Bienali Turkiye Seksiyonu Sergi Komiserligi gorevini ustlendi.
1978 Bukres'te acilan "Balkan ulkeleri Plastik Sanatlar Sergisi" Turkiye Seksiyonu Sergi Komiserligi gorevini yapti.
1983 23 Mart - 1985 31 Agustos tarihleri arasinda Mimar Sinan Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi Resim Bolumu Baskanligi'nda bulundu.
1989 Istanbul, Derimod Kultur Merkezi'nde acilan retrospektif sergisi dolayisiyla sanatci hakkinda 120 sayfalik bir kitap yayinlandi.
1993 Kasim, Prof. Dr. Dogan Kuban'in, Adnan Coker'in sanatini iceren yorumu ile 90 x 70 cm. boyutunda bir cilt icinde 8 adet ozgun baski (serigrafi) Galeri Nev tarafindan hazirlandi.
1994 Galeri B'deki sergisi dolayisiyla sanatci hakkinda 60 sayfalik bir katalog yayinlandi.
Material Illusion

All the unique elements and values in Adnan Çoker's paintings are individually an absolute whole, thereby distinguished from the absolute, and truly united in one at the organic working level. The character of these paintings is a quality transition from the historical starting point, and carries us into a sphere nourished by the imagination of the artist. While the object of the imagination is transformed into aesthetic representation on the canvas, this pictorial representation in which the general is viewed through the particular is entirely allegorical. The artist follows the course of a composition that is analytic rather than synthetic. He uses his canvas among other things to fragment, to revive historic symbols, and to create new space. Another characteristic of his work is his depiction of the space outside the objects as space. The part of his paintings which give the impression of being a black background is the space created by the artist.
Adnan Çoker's aesthetic expression is the encounter of that deriving from the essence with that deriving from the universal symbol of history, with the present moment, by means of an enormous leap. What is in the essence of the artist finds new form in the balance of form and colours which reduce the whole of cognitive combinations to a minimum. In his large canvases the historical starting points are Seljuk, Byzantine and Ottoman aesthetic concepts and images, a supra-cognitive transformation brings us face-to-face with the renewed form-colour concept and balance. The artist sees black not so much as a colour as space, a sense of dimension, integral to his works. In the course of creating material illusion on the canvas, with the help of pictorial elements, the artist moves from the visual sphere to tangible space. Material reality and the artist's space are fused together. Simplicity of form, reliance on the minimum, and sparing use of colour characterise his work. Relationships between the elements in his paintings serve to bind the whole.
From the thematic point of view, a large dome represents the city of Istanbul which he loves so dearly, and beyond we encounter a composition in which historic images are interpreted. The principal subjects of his work are, as can be seen from their titles -Sky Dome, Double Monument, Tribute to Sinan, Oriental Niches- and so on - traditional values and nature.

H62 Art Gallery
Studios of Adnan Coker

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