Alain Paparone Artist Page

alien creeper
© 2024 Alain Paparone

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I am an artist who works with a variety of media as well as artistic viewpoints. I don't have many rigid notions about the manner in which older and newer ideas and/or forms interact.
born in Tunisia (North Africa) in 1953 , I have been involved in a variety of activities over 30 years as a painter, illustrator and computer graphic artist .
Since the early 70s, I have expressed a vision of my inner world through diverse techniques.
I seek preeminently to deepen my exploration of the other side of the mirror; the land of strangeness ; the inescapable future and what is beyond our waking state.
To give depth and reality to my evocations, I favor the oil painting of the Old Masters, but I also find in digital creation a new way to strengthen illusion.and thus to generate this sense of strangeness that I like. For me, the world is dreamt before being lived.
Because it is in dreams that I find my way and thus elaborate a private cosmos.
My perseverance as an artist is a continuing interest in exploring new techniques allowing my work to evolve : Oil, drawing,airbrush painting or video, every approach is worthwhile on my way to the Holy Grail.
In my will to relate the Beyond, I attempt to modify our perception by unlocking the doors of our Imagination.
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