David Derr Artist Page

© 2025 David Derr

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New Jersey artist David Derr first recollection of an interest in art was at age six, when an artist neighbor, introduced him to the world of drawing.
Derr attended the Art Students League in the 1970’s studying life drawing under Gregory D’Allesio and Gutav Rehburger and graphics with Michael Ponce DeLeon. His passion for life drawing continued as a primary focus for nearly 10 years while he made a living as an artists model and freelance commercial artist.
Currently Derr heads up his own design agency, D2 Studios Inc., in the past he has been employed as Art and Creative Director’s for New Jersey advertising agencies and has achieved national recognition for his designs. Commercial success has never dimmed, in fact, has brought into sharper focus, his love for fine arts, and his expression of deep personal imagery. This is influenced by his interest in archeology, primitive art, mythology, classical music, and dance.
“Humanity is composed of many creative explorers. We have been this way since the beginnings of our existence as a race and before. This is the cornerstone of what it is to be a thinking human being. My images are my attempt to explore what it is to be one of those imaginative beings. The visual arts, music, dance, literature, myths, mysticism, spirituality and the sciences as well as everyday life all contribute in the creation of my images. I attempt to create paintings that not only reflect my thoughts but engage the viewer to look deeper into their own thoughts and find the depths to each piece that are not initially apparent. To me painting is not about technical expertise, but about creating a space where both the creator and the viewers creative thoughts are set free to explore unexpected paths.”
Mr. Derr's works are created in Oil, Mixed Media and Digital forms
Studios of David Derr

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