Emily Smith Artist Page

EmilySmith.com - Faux Painting, Fine Art, Decorative Finishing, Trompe l'oeil , and Murals
© 2025 Emily Smith

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Texas artist Emily Smith is owner and sole proprietor of EmilySmith.com. EmilySmith.com was established in February of 2000. Her site www.emilysmith.com has an online gallery of her fine art and graphic designs. You can view examples of her faux painting and decorative finishes as well. She does it all. She contracts with local custom homebuilders, interior designers, and homeowners, and just plain art lovers. “Starting my own business is the best thing I've ever done,” says Emily. “It has been an uphill battle to finally immerse myself into what I love to do. I wanted to set a good example for my son and raise him in an creative environment.” Emily is a self-taught fine artist, faux painter, and decorative finisher. As a teenager she won many national awards and contests, one such award was the National Scholastic Gold Key Award for Watercolor.Unfortunately, college was not an option at that time. She moved from Austin to Hawaii where she resided for 10 years and attended school at the University of Hawaii. She moved back to Austin in 1998. “Now, I just want to show the world what I can do.” Look out world!

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