Esul Walker Artist Page

© 2024 Esul Walker

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Lifetime of visual study and visceral experience of art and sculpture. SEE: Miro, Brancusi, Arp,
Kandinsky, Delauney, Tanguy, Moore, Gaudi et alii. Even Durer, Daumier, David, Di Chirico.

Second lifetime of immersion in poetry. HEAR: E.E. Cummings, Ginsburg, Santillana, Lorca, and

A Family of artistic character and accomplishment i.e. Sister attended CAL ARTS, Mother knew
Emerson Wolfer, of Guggenheim fame and family friend. Co-wrote Jackson Pollock, with Frank

400 + contemporary digital artworks in three years, using Corel Draw.

Attended UCR, Studied under critics, writers and poets (Ana Maria Fagundo - poet.)

Major in Spanish Literature (in truth, the poetry), Minor in French. Studied Sociology (a discipline
soon overpopulated with statisticians, marketers, project historians and social workers) but
switched to Spanish after two years. Received my Masters in Spanish and then fled before I could
build up more debt.

Poems published in UCR annual poetry anthology.

Poems published in San Francisco anthologies.

Member "Mensa" with IQ of 160.

My work has an ever-increasing fascination with political and historical themes that define my
own abstract expressionism and have everything to do with the union of concepts theoretically
comparable to Kandinsky. Nevertheless, with a passionate conviction concerning the significance
of space, not as void but as something charged with energy, where forces invisible to the eye are
infinitely important to the total art expression. Herein is the only comparable note of my artform,
in other words, I take the novelty of digital abstraction to another depth where history has no
precedence for my level of artwork that just happens to be digital.
Each work is a consistent progression from lyrical figuration to expressive geometry to free and
brilliant coloration with atmospheric depth. The work is intuitive but deliberate. There are no
accidental events and color is its own personality playing in shapes with their curious
interchanges and conflicts that take on a naturalistic association. Most digital artwork can not
attempt to achieve this depth simply by default. It is the artist who creates not the tool. We are
not discussing random use of simplistic software shapes and shades to sell prints, rather the
directed manipulation of composition, color and form from knowledge acquired from a lifetime
of exposure to art, history, literature and travel. I am a truly worldly and experienced artist.
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