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Nacida en argentina.
Egresa de las Escuelas Nacionales de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano y Prilidiano Pueyrredon, obteniendo los titulos de Maestra Nacional de Artes Visuales y Profesora de Dibujo, Pintura y Escultura.
Desde los 18 años ha participado en Escuelas y Grupos de Autoconocimiento. Esa busqueda la llevo a viajar por la Republica Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Isla de Pascua, Europa e India.
Desde sus comienzos su obra, que es fruto de tecnicas meditativas, ha reflejado posibilidades de percepcion y concepcion del Orden Universal.
De 1970 a 1977 integra el Grupo De lo Universal, con el cual realiza gran cantidad de muestras.
A partir de alli continúa su trayectoria individualmente.
En 1995 comienza a llamar a su obra con el nombre de Arte Transpersonal.
Actualmente y a partir de 2002 lo ha pasado a denominar Arte Cuantico.


Graduated from the National Schools of Art Manuel Belgrano and Prilidiano Pueyrredón in the city of Buenos Aires, she obtained the title of National School Teacher in Visual Arts and Professor of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture.
The artistic expression of her work reflects a spiritual interpretation of nature and the cosmos and rises throughout her journey throughout time.
Since the age of 18, Mirta Cidra has participated in Schools and groups of self-knowledge.
That search led her to travel throughout Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Easter Island, Europe and India.
She has held exhibitions in private art galleries, state agencies and museums.
The artist has also participated in exhibitions and many of her drawings have received prizes on several occasions.
From the start of her work, that is the fruit of meditative techniques, she has reflected different possibilities of perception and conception of the Universal Order.
This view originated the name of Cuantic Art.
Studios of MIRTA CIDRA

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