ÖpBe Artist Page

Melbourne Beach 2003
© 2024 ÖpBe

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ÖpBe alias Nihal Ses. Painting images of Florida impressions these days... Works on images digitally. Creates also digital images from the scratch. Interests: Photography, short films on video and newest theories about universe.

She researched and wrote stories behind Murat Ses concept albums ( impressions of the timeless and boundariless context of civilization; his trilogy: Automaton, Binfen and Culduz) that he composed. She also designs artwork for Clou Records (Automaton, Binfen, Culduz, Automaton², Binfen 2005 Remix and Vulcha Corp).
According to Nicole Steans interview in AfterTouch and i/e magazine, she was Murat's inspiration for Anadolu Pop. She founded one of the first folk dance groups in Istanbul (Turkey) at the Austrian College. Nihal is inspired by his hometown Istanbul, San Francisco and Miami. She lives in Austria and Florida.
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