Sarah Burger Artist Page

© 2025 Sarah Burger

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Sarah Burger is a self-taught painter, who lives in Cleveland OH with her son. She began painting by discovering the need to share her view of the world with others. After a two-month exploration of Europe, she taught herself to draw so she could express to others what the experience meant to her. After years of struggle, she now feels that the world is ready to ketch a glimpse of how she sees the world.

Sarah has done two private commission pieces, two movie storyboards, and a book illustration and is the owner and proprietor of online gallery: Edgewater Gallery Café located at Sarah’s work has appeared in ABS Gallery, Art gallery online, and Innercityartist Galleries to name a few.

She has done projects ranging from commission pieces to commercial catalogs. She does painting in oil, acrylic, and water colour, and also illustrations in pen and ink or graphite. She is available for commission corporate or private work and also for illustration.

Artists' see things in a different light from others; not only that, but they have the drive and need to share this with the world. I have to create. For me, it is what gives life meaning. I enjoy learning and experimenting in different techniques and mediums. I can't imagine my life with out painting. I don't know how or why it just happens and I have to get it out. Everyone has to express who they are to the world in one form or another. This is mine. I hope you enjoy it.

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