Scott Jeffs Artist Page

Palm Desert I
© 2025 Scott Jeffs

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Scott Jeffs was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He spent many of his summer vacations in the Utah mountains sketching and painting the scenery surrounding his grandparent’s cabin. After graduating from high school he lived in Japan, then moved to Portland, Oregon in 1977. He graduated from Marylhurst College with a Bachelors degree in Art and a minor in Japanese. He has worked for Oregon Health & Science University as a graphic designer and illustrator since 1983.

Scott’s distinctive and award-winning pencil studies began in his first college art class. When given the assignment of studying and experimenting with the style and technique of a favorite master, he chose the pencil and chalk drawings of Michelangelo. The school purchased one of his drawings and hosted his first one-man show.

He strives for simplicity of composition in both his pencil drawings and his more recent pastel landscapes where he uses a limited color palette along with light and tonal value to create mood and reflection.

Scott’s pencil drawings and pastel landscapes can be seen at juried festivals and one-man and group exhibits. Please contact him for information on upcoming showings or for prices of original work and prints.
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