Thor Johnson Artist Page

© 2025 Thor Johnson

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I am an artist and musician from Dallas Texas USA.
I create web-based, Flash-based, video artwork that is interactive and animated. Find it at my
Most of the works are of a satirical, socio-political nature, dealing with war and the pathologies
of modern American culture and the dangerous religious archetypes that lurk beneath it. The
soundtracks of the works add another level of commentary to the experience.
I also make artwork in traditional natural media such as oil painting, drawing, and sculpture. On
the website you can also listen to music that I made with the Didjeridoo and Moog synthesizer
among other instruments. The music has been described as " a field recording of some
dramatic ritual of a tribe from another planet". The aim of the music is to influence the
consciousness of the listener toward a transformational and ecstatic experience. I make my art
and music as acts of sorcery directed against totalitarians and fascists.
Thank you for your time.
Thor Johnson
36 yrs old
Dallas Texas
Studios of Thor Johnson

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