Val Bishop Artist Page

Thought Keeper
© 2025 Val Bishop

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Once upon a time, there was a very small red-haired, freckled face girl who found herself conscious at 4 years old staring at a beautifully illustrated bear family in a storybook while her mother was reading to her. She could not take her eyes off the delightfully inviting pages. Her mother drifted off to sleep and so the little girl had the book all to herself. She used a tiny forefinger to trace around the perfectly rendered illustrations while checking out all the fine details of eyes, fur and surroundings. She would have climbed inside if she could have…so she did it mentally. She had earlier memories of pure cognizance, but that particular day her mind was forever indelibly marked with the effect of those wonderful realistic renderings.

At 9 years old she would take a brown bag lunch and catch the streetcar. Her family home was a few houses from the end of the line. She would ride west from the suburb, into the city, through downtown to the far southeast side, exit the streetcar and walk to the Art Museum. The grounds were beautiful with blooming flowers, huge oak trees and a ‘fairy-tale’ pond with white ducks inhabiting the cool waters embellished with giant water lilies. Other residents were cattails and tall undulating feathery grasses that offered hiding places for bullfrogs, jeweled koi and imaginary little people mounted on prancing steeds. Legions of dragonflies sporting iridescent colors enthusiastically darted about over the pond managing not to collide into one another. The young artist walked respectfully up and down those marble corridors of the Art Museum gazing with astonishment at the great art she would forever carry in her heart. Countless times within a 3 years period she made those ‘art trips’ all by herself.

Little freckle face always sneaked 3 or 4 extra pieces of the store bought sliced white bread into the brown bag so the ducks could lunch with her. She laughed at the ducks’ antics of trying to catch the spongy white bread before it hit the water and dissolved into nothing. They caught on quickly. Some city slickers protested when we couldn’t spread real peanut butter on the new “all the rage” light white bread. So the commerce people retaliated by loading peanut butter with sugar syrup and other stuff so the white bread wouldn’t tear apart in your hand while trying to spread the new doctored up “half real” peanut butter. A forecast of food tampering in America!

Freckle face grew up spending part of each year in the authentic country farm life while living in one of the larger cities of that time. For the most part, she was always listening, learning and trying to please, while her fertile mind was secretly laced with constant questions and wonder. She has been called a Seeker. Dictionary: ”Seeker, a device used in a moving object that locates a target by detecting light, heat or other radiation.” There are scores of us ‘Seekers’. This artist’s soul is her device constantly trying to detect the light (truth), heat (true love) and radiation (graces and virtues). Most of her artwork has been Gallery Work depicting the real world of touch and feel indicating appreciation for the gifts of creation. Valuing the astonishing creation of humanity, she has painted commissioned portraits.

The work that is being introduced to you now has been a long time in secret development, never before shown in a gallery. This body of work consists of many pieces. We are beginning with seven. The artist’s wish and hope is that you will enjoy and ponder while being delighted with visual joy and intrigue of meaning. All the while recognizing that you are not alone on your own journey down a sometimes not so easy path of life and living. This series is titled DREAMS AND MEDITATIONS, also translating into A Conscious World.

The artist sincerely sends to you best wishes and courage!

A collection of contemporary paintings capturing the core of human existence, entitled “Dreams and Meditations” is a collection of contemporary art for a conscious world. The entire presentation is intended to be spiritually, emotionally and psychologically uplifting, and indeed that spirit is embodied in Val Jean’s work.
Studios of Val Bishop

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