christian maltais Artist Page

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Without litterally being what is called an abstract artist, Christian Maltais can certainly be called an artist with a mind of his own. With a Master's Degree in Philosophy and a vast experience as a graphic designer he decided naturally to exclusively devote himself to art about 6 years ago and was quite successful in both the States and Canada. Very personnal in style, his approach makes his paintings unique by their strong emotionnal charge. As he depicts a landscape, he uses colors so vibrant and masters light so well that the final form conveys every feeling the artist has for his subject in such forceful accents that one simply cannot remain indifferent.

Christian Maltais's preferred medium is oil. He combines the techniques of the old masters with more modern ones. By mixing these two different approaches, the artist has managed to instill much freshness and spontaneity to his finished work. With various glazing he also adds a very romantic and oldish mood to his work, hitting just the right spot
somewhere in the best of both worlds.

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