George Caso Artist Page

© 2025 George Caso

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Following the close of Chrishawn Associates in 2002 George Caso with his wife Donna founded Caso Studios, LLC. George holds an Entrepreneurial degree from H.K.U. (Hard Knox University) and his Creativity degree from his intuitive spirit, the education of sharing 26 years with some extremely creative and unique artists and his passion to conceive and grow ideas.

Prior to Caso Studios he Founded and presided as Chairman of the Board, Owner and Artistic Director of Chrishawn Associates Inc. For 25 years with a staff of up to 48 artists and craftspeople created original art, accessories and accent furniture, with 27 Sales Representatives they created for the Interior Design and Furniture Trades in the USA and Canada. And for 10 years previous he held various sales and management positions with NCR Corp. His creativity started with the opening of a retail flower shop which he opened in Walnut Creek California in the mid 1960's and closed two years later. I can say it was a great learning experience.

George has been recognized for outstanding achievement in nearly every corporate position of the Jaycees, being honored as JCI Senator by the Walnut Creek Jaycees. He has served on the Boards of the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and United Way and been President of the Board of Governors of his church, Longboat Island Chapel. He is a member of the American Legion and an active member of the Honor Guard.

His art is multi-directional creatively working three personalities: under his own name, George W. Caso he works in mixed media creating hand colored etchings, water colors, acrylics and collage. These works are more transitional in their appeal. Osac, the second personality, works with an Oriental flair, again in mixed media. Finally under his last name CASO he creates contemporary abstract subjects in acrylic, latex, metal and wood.

Of late George has forged a creative partnership with Joe Poirier an extremely gifted artist and sculptor, under the name OM, (stands for old men) they create art of every imaginable nature. The partnership was arranged to keep their creative minds active.
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