steve danzig Artist Page

© 2024 steve danzig

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Artist Steve Danzig returns to australia
from the UK - See selected works from
series titles "Death" and "Search for
Self and The New Humanism"
including text in this exhibition.
WARNING: Some images and text
may offend.

The work presented in this exhibition are part of two series; "Death" and "Search For Self and The New Humanism". It's a visual journey and investigation about perception, nature and human behavior by integrating areas of Jungian thought; ie. self, wounding, narcissism, shadow, ego, truth and in part the writings of Thomas Moore, American author of 'Care Of The Soul' and other titles.

It explores a psychological intellection of personal relationships that exist within the "self", family matrix and the impact of religious ideology within those relationships and society; "The Holy Father, the Blessed Virgin, and humanism.

The work invites the subconscious to explore its own perception of the Self. The digital platform - incorporates multiple layers of photography and scanned images from drawings and paintings to demonstrate themes of iconic value, satire and in part will define the fragility of Self. Each artwork constructs a play to incite an emotional response to the viewers own journey.

Subsequently, it will encourage a dialogue for the viewers whose conclusion and outcome of the work will be valid and correct.
Studios of steve danzig

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