Collection of Amateur Artists
A ring design that stresses creativity and individuality - not conformity
* news * about * criteria * join * codes * member's edit * contact ringmaster * ringmaster's site

|| news ||

The Collection of Amateur Artists is part of the Ringsurf system and Passionflower Top Art. It promotes recognition of contemporary art web sites.

|| about ||

The members of this ring are creative and talented folk, and choose to express themselves in a myriad of mediums - including traditional art, oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, artistic photography, and computer-rendered art

|| criteria ||

+ high artistic merit
+ a well-designed, regularly updated site
+ must contain something of your own work
+ the ring fragment must be easily found
+ if you choose to use the graphic, or image map version of the coding, please save the graphic to your own server.

|| join ||

To add a site to this collection, please fill out this form. After you have submitted your site, you will receive an email with the correct coding

|| codes ||

This is an example of the code you will receive by email upon joining. Please feel free to customize it to reflect your site design, or add the graphic to it.


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