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Daniel Moreno

Biography: My name is Daniel de Albuquerque Moreno. I was born on 1978. My interest in animation developed watching several movies and playing games which used 3D Animation. So, I went to Los Angeles, Ca where I studied at Gnomon School of Visual Arts taking "Character Animation" with Dave Mullins (animator in Stuart Little, now at PIXAR) and learning how to animate and analyse animations. I also took "Character Construction" with Kevin Hudson (Sony Imageworks) learning how to set-up diferent characters in differente ways. Since then, I´ve been practicing and creating new animations. I also took part in Anima Mundi 2000 and SIBGRAPI 2000 with my short "Kiss Klass". In animation, my inspiration comes from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, Squaresoft and also Anime. This last one, the ones i like are YuYu Hakusho, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Record of Lodoss War. My objective is to work with animation, mainly with games (console, Pc, etc.)and Movies. I've been playing games since my childhood (Atari, Nintendo, Sega, etc.) and since then I have wanted to take part in the creation of a game or movie. Daniel Moreno Country: Brazil Birthyear: 1978 Awards: Photography Award 3rd place in Jardim botanico Media: computer or digital art Style: other, Stylized Subjects: people, portraits and characters