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Frances Coffill

Biography: I was born in Toronto Canada, the eldest of many children, I soon learned that peace and privacy were precious commodities, to be sought out and savored at every opportunity. My love of reading and drawing came to be during those quiet times. Over the years my need to express myself creatively has led me to experiment with many mediums, traditional and not. In the early 80's I began what became a long time career in the graphic/print industry and discovered another passion, technology. It wasn't long before my hobbies started to overlap, the edges became blurry and finally they disappeared. The images I create are glimpses of the world through my eyes and imagination... I am an artist, a lover of books, poetry & music of all sorts. I love the great outdoors, am fascinated by the sky and by green growing things. I still enjoy my own company best but I have been known to make exceptions. I believe that most people are good and worth knowing. I believe that happiness can be found anywhere if you are willing to accept it when it comes your way. I believe in my heart of hearts that you must take big bites out of this life, just in case... Country: Canada Birthyear: 1958 Awards: 03/2002 1st Place "Spring" Competition Hosted by for "Vernal Equinox" 04/2002 1st Place "Myth & Magic" Competition hosted by for "Everyday Magic" 04/2002 2nd Place "Catwalk" Competition hosted by for "Runway" Media: computer or digital art Style: realistic Subjects: landscapes and nature