David McDaniel Artist Page

© 2025 David McDaniel

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David McDaniel is mosted noted as an author of short stories and as an award winning poet. Recently, Mr. McDaniel has begun expressing his creative talents via the canvas. While Mr. McDaniel will himself admit his skills as an artist are a "work in progress" he will also be the first to tell you that there is no better way to express yourself then by painting...unless it is through the written word. Mr. McDaniel hopes to be able to combine his art work and his exeptional writing skills into a multi-media representation of his inner-most thoughts.

Mr. McDaniel credits his interest in painting to the incredible talents of Appalacian artist Mary "Krista" Linderman and Austil "Jack" Miller and the Artomix Studios.

Mr. McDaniels works on canvas consist primarily of acrylics and watercolors.
Studios of David McDaniel

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