Lynn Traylor Artist Page

White and Peach Stippled Phalaenopsis
© 2025 Lynn Traylor

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Batik is an ancient method for printing fabric, believed to have originated in Java. It is a wax resist process. I became fascinated with the medium years ago, but was frustrated with its limitations. I spent years tinkering with different means of wax and dye application, and have finally managed to arrive at techniques that allow me to achieve the detail and strong colors I desire, yet remain true to the original, ancient art form.

My interests in the area of natural sciences lead me to deal primarily with plants and animals. I am currently permitted to pay for the home owned by my four parrots, and in return, they have agreed to scream, throw food, and act as occasional models for me. I am a "recovered" saltwater reef aquarium addict, but while I got rid of my tanks, I retained my fascination with the ocean and it’s inhabitants, and bring both worlds into my work. The luminous, stained-glass quality of batik further enhances the fantasy environments of ocean and jungle.

Each piece is an original creation, (limited edition prints are available for some pieces) executed on 100% cotton fabric and fully framed unless otherwise requested.

Commission pieces are available, and are priced according to the complexity of the final work.
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