Michelle Bussey Artist Page

© 2025 Michelle Bussey

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Michelle Bussey has a BA in Art and a MA in Art and Design. She has taught art history and coordinating studio courses for the past three years to a vairety of ages. She recently developed the cirriculum for a Women's Creative Journey class which focuses on the inner development of the artist, leading to outward creative work.
Bussey's own creative work has followed an uncharted path which has led to digital imaging. Works are packed with images that produce visual and emotive interest. The images focus on the ancient process of alchemy, the experience of transformation. Bussey's work references the ancient myths of birth,life,death, and rebirth. Pieces created are not the perosnification of traditional archetypal imagery, but a perosnification of personal myth, the resulting shifts in the unconscious recorded digitally.
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