Mike Elliott Artist Page

Leopard - The Ultimate hunter
© 2025 Mike Elliott

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The natural world has provided a rich and exciting pallet for Mike's African Wildlife Art during his journeys to over 20 countries in four continents.

The South African bush was the spark that ignited his serious painting in 1985 and, after visits to the Kalahari Desert, he became totally intoxicated by the African bushveld and those famed hunters, the Bushmen, who were to become his passion for fifteen years. A deep interest in the relationship between man and the environment was to emerge over this period, as was a concern for the many African endangered animals.

On his return to the UK in 2000, it was inevitable that Mike would be drawn to Scotland's diverse flora and fauna, rich landscape and large unspoiled tracts. Different from Africa in many respects, there are still a great many similarities. Difficult to explain but probably best described as "A closeness with the Earth".

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