"Enjoying the view, considering all that makes it...from what it is,
how elements relate, what's most important at
the moment,,,this has been a life long passion. Interpreting the
scene via sketching, painting, drawing...this makes
everything come alive in a whole new way" is what Sue Fletcher,
portrait artist and landscape painter, says is a part
of her inspiration. "It makes the everyday more beautiful and in
this way enriches my life. To share this anyway that
I can with others through painting, teaching, or selling works of
art adds an extra dimension of joy to living." Her works are essentially in a traditional style of realism, some with a more painterly style, others slightly impressionistic.
The pastel and acrylic artist's interests were encouraged from
an early age by supportive parents. Private
instruction began at the elementary school age with tutoring
by artist Harold Gore, through junior high years
Sue studied with Lubbock artist Conny Martin. During high school
years she did free lance art for retail stores.
Advertising Art & Design was Sue Fletcher's major at Texas Tech
University in Lubbock, TX. For over 20 years she
earned her living as a commercial artist, with fine art and
commissioned art always interspersed.
In July of 1995 the artist moved to Bronte, TX, a rural community
of less than 1,000 population. This was to be near
the family of her only child and grand children. The opportunity to
teach art at Coke County Juvenile Justice Center,
a juvenile prison, facilitated the move. Early April of 2001,
Sue returned to Lubbock, TX.
Artist Sue Fletcher's paintings have been shown in numerous juried,
group and solo exhibits. Included are Fort Concho
Museum, San Angelo, TX; The Gallery Show, Lubbock Arts Festival,
Lubbock, TX; The National All Media Fine Arts
Competition Gallery Show of Main Street Ft. Worth Arts Festival;
The American Artist Registry's National Competition,
Alexandria, VA; Gallery W34, Washington, DC and Akron Society
of Fine Artist's Grand Exhibition, Akron, OH. Her works
are displayed in corporate and private collections as well.