luigi de giovanni Artist Page

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Luigi De Giovanni born on 12 FebruaryÊ 1950 in Specchia (Lecce).

He graduatedÊ to the Institute of Art of Poggiardo in the 1969.

In the 1974 heÊ graduated to the Academy of the Fine Arts from Rome. From the 1970 to the
1978 heÊ follows the Free Course of the Nude.

From tender age he paints designs and acquerelli followed from the mother. In the 1967 he
paints frequently and he does the his before collective show. In the 1973 with the Avanessian
teacher he begins the study of the ÒimprimituraÓ of the cloths and of the powders. In the 1974
improve in the technique to oil. In the 1980 experiment the temper to the egg; he realize some
operas with an only thread conductor "social climbs." In the 1988 he experiment coed techniques
with the custom of materials of discard symbol of "refusal" which: segatura, metallic shavings,
shiver of unserviceable rubber, paper and cloths.

He begins the report with the Gallery "Mentana" from Florence that presents him to the FairÊ Arc
from Madrid. In the 1990 he starts to realize and to expose operas that haveÊ like conductor
thread "the anguish in the actual society"; he starts to use the old jeans like cloths for his operas
to social character. From the 1979 he paints Sardinia where he spends long periods.
Studios of luigi de giovanni

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