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Mike Hemsley
 | Biography: Photography,or rather the creation of an image has always fascinated me.Nowadays the almost unlimited freedoms of computer / digital imaging has propelled me into a 'new lease' of creative expression.My work is principally commercial,and as such I am always eager to interpret the needs of clients into a visual form.I run a studio in the UK which is now in it's 110th year of trading ( not of course all that time by me!).My work has been recognised in various competitions, firstly as " Bausch and Lomb Young Photographer of the Year" and notably twice gaining the UK national title of " Ilford Photographer of the Year" as well as Industrial/Commercial folio winner and highly commended placement.I have attained Fellowship status with the BIPP (Gold medal winner of the Peter Grudgeon Award for best Fellowship Submission)and Gold and Silver Awards at the BIPP National Print Competitions.My fundemental joy in photography is lighting,that is to say achieving shape,form and texture by observation of natural conditions or through control of artificial lighting.The capture of the image becomes secondary to the experience of seeing...after all thats what it's all about, a photographer looks for the unusual apects of his surroundings and hopes to surprise ! You will also find me listed in Debretts "People of Today". Country: uk Birthyear: 1957 Galleries: Bipp travelling national exhibition Awards: Bausch & Lomb Young Photographer of the Year.
Twice National "Ilford Photographer of the Year*
Gold & Silver Awards at Bipp National Print Exhibitions Media: photography Style: photo-realistic Subjects: still life |