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 | Biography: Who I am, what I believe and what I think.
I was born near the lion´s colour river , under the constellation of Virgo, in Olivos city, Vicente Lopez County, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have studied in Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires, at Julio A. Roca Normal School; Manuel Belgrano National Visual Arts School and Prilidiano Pueyrredon Superior Arts School.
I read and paint since I have seen Light.
I don´t live “from this” but “for this”
During my whole life I have painted abstract paintings because I think this is the way along which the pure creation goes through
The only lineage I recognize and value is Talent.
I am persuaded that absolute liberty is absolute loneliness.
I am what I do.
Norma Nava, Argentinean of the world, her different artistic disciplines are shaped in pictorial verses, in narrative panels. Writer and plastic artist, their works feed from eachother meticulously to construct the personnal univers in which she lives. She shares with us in her poem "Tan", coming from the other side of the ocean.
Her poetry shells in mixed images, in gores of phenomenic existence that the author approaches to tell us with these words: "(...)
Whichever I saw, I suffered. Whatever I lived, I dreamed. Whatever I kept, I lost. How much I loved and I forgot. How much I let go. How much I did not
believe...All that I shut up...One the waters are gone and the words dries the wood returning it ashgray, in some way or rare way those things must return left at the mercy of winds, clouds of the flames....Everything what finishes, reommences.Memory, time within the time moving in different directions(...)”
Among her long trajectory and intense life, there are 26 international poetic anthologies, a personal book of poems, 26 group exhibitions, 24 individual and 22 national and international participations in important art institutions.
This page is the first in a series of webpages in which tries to give an overview of the abstract arts on the Internet. Each page will be devoted to a single artist, and we couldn't have made a better and more difficult start than with the work of Argentinian artist Norma Nava. Why it's a good start is obvious - to this author however, it's also a daunting task because of the originality of Norma Nava's work, which makes it hard to classify, as well as the experience of it's maker which humbles a semi-young artist such as myself. We shall not dwell on that - ... to see complete biography, click on artists name Country: ARGENTINA Birthyear: 1946 Galleries: Trayectorias:
Muestras colectivas: 26 (1965-2005)
Salones nacionales e internacionales: 20 (1965-2004)
Muestras Individuales: 24 (1969-2004)
Ilustración de tapa e interior:
Messagero-Padova Italia
Personal Computer Bs.As.
Ornamentación y restauro religioso:
Orden de Frailes Menores Conventuales (Còrdoba - Buenos Aires - Rìo Negro)
Orden Santa Clara (Buenos Aires - Villarrica/Paraguay - Gabon/Africa Ecuatorial)
Clero Diocesano Regular (Buenos Aires - La Pampa - Còrdoba)
Editados: 26 antologìas poéticas internacionales 1981-2004
1 poemario personal-ediciòn del autor 2004
SEÑALES DISPERSAS poemario editado en España 2005
Media: mixed media Style: abstract Subjects: other, INTERIOR LANDSCAPE |