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Valery Veselovsky

Biography: Veselovsky Valery was born August 27, 1964 in Moskow. Since 1981, he paints. Was engaged at first in art studios. In 1990 by default has finished faculty of easel painting and drawing of a Publicity University of Arts Krupskaya in Moscow with difference. Is a member of the Moscow branch of the Artists’ Union of Russia and Moscow association of artists International Art Fund. The Participant town and international exhibitions and contest. The poetry of Russian scenery and of rural life in this country, high aesthetic qualities of old Russia’s architecture full and inspire his art. His intention is not to delineate the image of a particular piece of scenery, but to bring out through art what is common for Middle Russia’s nature in it. A picture to him is not just an enlarged and polished up sketch, but the product of imagination, generalizations. Country: Russia Birthyear: 1964 Galleries: Art salon «Moscow Artist» at Moscow House of the Artist on Kuznetsky Most The central House of the Artist, Moscow Personal exhibition in gallery "L-Art". (The Central House of Artists, Moscow) in St.-Petersburg in Gallery "N-Prospect", Awards: The diploma of the participant of XXXVIII International Open-air «Montenegro - 2014», organised by the International Fund «Cultural property», galleries "N-Prospect" and «Castello di Boca» The diploma of the participant IX-th Anniversary Victor Popkov Art Exhibition-Contest devoted to the 20-th anniversary JAF The diploma of the participant of XX Moscow International exhibition - competition of modern painting “The Gold Brush”, devoted to the 65-th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. (The Central House of Artists, Moscow) Media: oil Style: impressionistic Subjects: landscapes and nature