Odilon Redon (1840-1916)
Odilon Redon is a native of Bordeaux. In 1875 he entered the shadowy world of charcoal and the lithographer's stone. The overall effect, imbued with a melancholy passivity, stood outside of trends and movements, as nocturnal, autumnal, and lunar. In the 1890s, commanded by his dreams, he began to use the luminous, musical tones of pastel and oils.
The thematic content of his work then became densely mythical, brimming with newfound hope and light.
Viewer | Vase with Flowers, 1900
Pastel, 60 x 48 cm
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
More naturalist pastels with vases of flowers, such as this work, date from the final decades of Redon’s career. During this period the artist studied nature intensively and began to work with brighter colours. Nevertheless, the bouquets in the vases are unearthly in character. This vase with yellow and white flowers seems to be floating in space. The flowers, in Redon’s own words, are ‘surrounded by thoughts’. The artist even gave the title Vision to one of his flower pastels. |