The Digital Consciousness Artist Database

Performance Artists

Listed alphabetically.
Tracey Emin Tracey Emin's "My Bed" is a finalist for Britain's coveted Turner Prize for contemporary art. It is a double mattress heaped with stained and disheveled sheets, surrounded by the debris of indulgence -- discarded stockings, empty vodka bottles, cigarette butts, etc. What is most interesting about the Tony Harris picture of it that appeared in the L.A. Times is not the work itself, but the 18 art critics surrounding it all dressed completely in black.
David Esser David Esser is performance art. Performances are spontaneous happenings at the Woodland Hills and Los Angeles Gym for the Mind stores.
Chris Ofili Chirs is famous for the Holy Virgin Mary, Lightning-rod canvas with elephant dung, exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum, Summer -- Fall 1999
